Source: formats/collada/ColladaScene.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
 * by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
 * at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
 * software:
 *    ES6-Promise – under MIT License
 *    libtess.js – SGI Free Software License B
 *    Proj4 – under MIT License
 *    JSZip – under MIT License
 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
 * WebWorldWind can be found in the WebWorldWind 3rd-party notices and licenses
 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports ColladaScene

    function (ArgumentError,
              WWMath) {
        "use strict";

         * Constructs a collada scene
         * @alias ColladaScene
         * @constructor
         * @augments Renderable
         * @classdesc Represents a scene. A scene is a collection of nodes with meshes, materials and textures.
         * @param {Position} position The scene's geographic position.
         * @param {Object} sceneData The scene's data containing the nodes, meshes, materials, textures and other
         * info needed to render the scene.
        var ColladaScene = function (position, sceneData) {
            if (!position) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ColladaScene", "constructor", "missingPosition"));

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._position = position;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._nodes = [];
            this._meshes = {};
            this._materials = {};
            this._images = {};
            this._upAxis = '';
            this._dirPath = '';

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._xRotation = 0;
            this._yRotation = 0;
            this._zRotation = 0;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._xTranslation = 0;
            this._yTranslation = 0;
            this._zTranslation = 0;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._scale = 1;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._altitudeMode = WorldWind.ABSOLUTE;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._localTransforms = true;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._useTexturePaths = true;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._nodesToHide = [];
            this._hideNodes = false;

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._placePoint = new Vec3(0, 0, 0);

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._transformationMatrix = Matrix.fromIdentity();
            this._mvpMatrix = Matrix.fromIdentity();

            // Documented in defineProperties below.
            this._normalTransformMatrix = Matrix.fromIdentity();
            this._normalMatrix = Matrix.fromIdentity();
            this._texCoordMatrix = Matrix.fromIdentity().setToUnitYFlip();

            //Internal. Intentionally not documented.
            this._entities = [];

            //Internal. Intentionally not documented.
            this._activeTexture = null;

            //Internal. Intentionally not documented.
            this._tmpVector = new Vec3(0, 0, 0);
            this._tmpColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1);

            //Internal. Intentionally not documented.
            this._vboCacheKey = '';
            this._iboCacheKey = '';
            // TODO: Process the double sided flag if set in sub-geometries.
            this._doubleSided = false;
            this._computedNormals = false;


        ColladaScene.prototype = Object.create(Renderable.prototype);
        ColladaScene.prototype.constructor = ColladaScene;

        Object.defineProperties(ColladaScene.prototype, {

             * The scene's geographic position.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Position}
            position: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._position;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._position = value;

             * An array of nodes extracted from the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {ColladaNode[]}
            nodes: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._nodes;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._nodes = value;

             * An object with meshes extracted from the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {{ColladaMesh}}
            meshes: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._meshes;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._meshes = value;

             * An object with materials and their effects extracted from the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {ColladaMaterial}
            materials: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._materials;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._materials = value;

             * An object with images extracted from the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {ColladaImage}
            images: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._images;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._images = value;

             * The up axis of the collada model extracted from the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {String}
            upAxis: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._upAxis;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._upAxis = value;

             * The path to the directory of the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {String}
            dirPath: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._dirPath;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._dirPath = value;

             * The scene's rotation angle in degrees for the x axis.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            xRotation: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._xRotation;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._xRotation = value;

             * The scene's rotation angle in degrees for the x axis.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            yRotation: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._yRotation;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._yRotation = value;

             * The scene's rotation angle in degrees for the x axis.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            zRotation: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._zRotation;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._zRotation = value;

             * The scene's translation for the x axis.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            xTranslation: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._xTranslation;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._xTranslation = value;

             * The scene's translation for the y axis.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            yTranslation: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._yTranslation;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._yTranslation = value;

             * The scene's translation for the z axis.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            zTranslation: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._zTranslation;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._zTranslation = value;

             * The scene's scale.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Number}
            scale: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._scale;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._scale = value;

             * The scene's Cartesian point on the globe for the specified position.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Vec3}
            placePoint: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._placePoint;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._placePoint = value;

             * The scene's altitude mode. May be one of
             * <ul>
             *  <li>[WorldWind.ABSOLUTE]{@link WorldWind#ABSOLUTE}</li>
             *  <li>[WorldWind.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND]{@link WorldWind#RELATIVE_TO_GROUND}</li>
             *  <li>[WorldWind.CLAMP_TO_GROUND]{@link WorldWind#CLAMP_TO_GROUND}</li>
             * </ul>
             * @default WorldWind.ABSOLUTE
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {String}
            altitudeMode: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._altitudeMode;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._altitudeMode = value;

             * The scene's transformation matrix containing the scale, rotations and translations
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Matrix}
            transformationMatrix: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._transformationMatrix;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._transformationMatrix = value;

             * The scene's normal matrix
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {Matrix}
            normalMatrix: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._normalMatrix;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._normalMatrix = value;

             * Force the use of the nodes transformation info. Some 3d software may break the transformations when
             * importing/exporting models to collada format. Set to false to ignore the the nodes transformation.
             * Only use this option if the model does not render properly.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @default true
             * @type {Boolean}
            localTransforms: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._localTransforms;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._localTransforms = value;

             * Force the use of the texture path specified in the collada file. Set to false to ignore the paths of the
             * textures in the collada file and instead get the textures from the same dir as the collada file.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @default true
             * @type {Boolean}
            useTexturePaths: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._useTexturePaths;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._useTexturePaths = value;

             * An array of node id's to not render.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @type {String[]}
            nodesToHide: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._nodesToHide;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._nodesToHide = value;

             * Set to true to force the renderer to not draw the nodes passed to the nodesToHide list.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @default false
             * @type {Boolean}
            hideNodes: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._hideNodes;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._hideNodes = value;

             * Set to true to skip back face culling for this scene. Helpful when the model contains incorrect normal data.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @default false
             * @type {Boolean}
            doubleSided: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._doubleSided;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._doubleSided = value;

             * Set to true to compute vertex normals from vertices. Helpful when the model contains incorrect or missing normal data.
             * @memberof ColladaScene.prototype
             * @default false
             * @type {Boolean}
            computedNormals: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._computedNormals;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._currentData.expired = true;
                    this._computedNormals = value;


        // Internal. Resets the cache of calculated data that doesn't need to be recomputed each time.
        ColladaScene.prototype.resetCurrentData = function () {
            this._currentData = {
                expired: true,
                transformedPoints: []

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.setSceneData = function (sceneData) {
            if (sceneData) {
                this._nodes = sceneData.root.children;
                this._meshes = sceneData.meshes;
                this._materials = sceneData.materials;
                this._images = sceneData.images;
                this._upAxis = sceneData.metadata.up_axis;
                this._dirPath = sceneData.dirPath;


        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.flattenModel = function () {
            for (var i = 0, nodesLen = this._nodes.length; i < nodesLen; i++) {

            this._entities.sort(function (a, b) {
                var va = (a.imageKey === null) ? "" : "" + a,
                    vb = (b.imageKey === null) ? "" : "" + b;
                return va > vb ? 1 : (va === vb ? 0 : -1);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.flattenNode = function (node) {
            if (node.mesh) {
                var meshKey = node.mesh;
                var buffers = this._meshes[meshKey].buffers;

                for (var i = 0, bufLen = buffers.length; i < bufLen; i++) {
                    var materialBuf = buffers[i].material;

                    for (var j = 0; j < node.materials.length; j++) {
                        if (materialBuf === node.materials[j].symbol) {
                            var materialKey = node.materials[j].id;

                    var material = this._materials[materialKey];
                    var imageKey = null;
                    var hasTexture = material && material.textures && buffers[i].uvs && buffers[i].uvs.length > 0;
                    if (hasTexture) {
                        if (material.textures.diffuse) {
                            imageKey = material.textures.diffuse.mapId;
                        } else if (material.textures.reflective) {
                            imageKey = material.textures.reflective.mapId;

                        mesh: buffers[i],
                        material: material,
                        node: node,
                        imageKey: imageKey

            for (var k = 0; k < node.children.length; k++) {

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.render = function (dc) {
            var orderedScene;
            var frustum = dc.frustumInModelCoordinates;

            if (!this.enabled) {

            if (this.lastFrameTime !== dc.timestamp) {
                orderedScene = this.makeOrderedRenderable(dc);

            if (!orderedScene) {

            if (!frustum.containsPoint(this._placePoint)) {

            orderedScene.layer = dc.currentLayer;

            this.lastFrameTime = dc.timestamp;


        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.makeOrderedRenderable = function (dc) {
            dc.surfacePointForMode(this._position.latitude, this._position.longitude, this._position.altitude,
                this._altitudeMode, this._placePoint);

            this.eyeDistance = dc.eyePoint.distanceTo(this._placePoint);

            return this;

        // Internal. Calculates the transformed cartesian coordinates of a mesh.
        ColladaScene.prototype.computeTransformedPoints = function (mesh) {
            var vtxs = mesh.vertices;
            var points = [];
            if (mesh.indexedRendering) {
                var idxs = mesh.indices;
                for (var i = 0, len = idxs.length; i < len; i += 3) {
                    for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        var vtxOfs = idxs[i + j] * 3;
                        var vtx = new Vec3(vtxs[vtxOfs], vtxs[vtxOfs + 1], vtxs[vtxOfs + 2]);
            } else {
                for (var i = 0, len = vtxs.length; i < len; i += 3) {
                    var vtx = new Vec3(vtxs[i], vtxs[i + 1], vtxs[i + 2]);

            return points;

         * Calculates the intersection positions of a given ray with this scene.
         * @param {Globe} globe The globe to use for translating points to positions.
         * @param {Line} pointRay The ray to test for intersections.
         * @param {Position[]} results An array to hold the results if any. This list is sorted in ascending order by
         * distance from the eyepoint. The closest intersection will be the 0th element of the list.
         * @returns {Boolean} true if any intersections are found.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} if any of the arguments are not supplied.
        ColladaScene.prototype.computePointIntersections = function (globe, pointRay, results) {
            if (!globe) {
                throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ColladaScene",
                    "computePointIntersections", "missingGlobe"));

            if (!pointRay) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ColladaScene",
                        "computePointIntersections", "missingRay"));

            if (!results) {
                throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ColladaScene",
                    "computePointIntersections", "missingResults"));

            var eyePoint = pointRay.origin;
            var computeTransforms = this._currentData.transformedPoints.length <= this._entities.length;
            if (computeTransforms) {
                this._currentData.transformedPoints = [];
            var eyeDists = [];
            for (var i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                var mesh = this._entities[i].mesh;
                if (computeTransforms) {
                var intersectionPoints = [];
                if (WWMath.computeTriangleListIntersection(pointRay,
                    this._currentData.transformedPoints[i], intersectionPoints)) {
                    for (var j = 0, iLen = intersectionPoints.length; j < iLen; j++) {
                        var position = new Position(0, 0, 0);
                            intersectionPoints[j][1], intersectionPoints[j][2], position);
                        // sorted insert
                        var jEyeDist = intersectionPoints[j].distanceTo(eyePoint);
                        var inserted = false;
                        for (var k = 0, eLen = eyeDists.length; k < eLen && !inserted; k++) {
                            if (jEyeDist < eyeDists[k]) {
                                results.splice(k, 0, position);
                                eyeDists.splice(k, 0, jEyeDist);
                                inserted = true;
                        if (!inserted) {
            return results.length > 0;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.renderOrdered = function (dc) {

            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                var po = new PickedObject(this.pickColor.clone(), this, this._position, this.layer, false);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.drawOrderedScene = function (dc) {
            try {
            } finally {

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.beginDrawing = function (dc) {
            if (this._currentData.expired) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext;
            var gpuResourceCache = dc.gpuResourceCache;

            var vboId = gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(this._vboCacheKey);
            var iboId = gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(this._iboCacheKey);

            if (!vboId) {
                vboId = gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(this._vboCacheKey);
                iboId = gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(this._iboCacheKey);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vboId);
            if (iboId) {
                gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, iboId);

            if (this._doubleSided) {

            if (dc.pickingMode) {
                this.pickColor = dc.uniquePickColor();


            for (var i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                var mustRenderNode = this.mustRenderNode(this._entities[i];
                if (mustRenderNode) {
                    this.draw(dc, this._entities[i]);

        // Internal. Recalculates normals, converts buffers to non-indexed.
        ColladaScene.prototype.rewriteBufferNormals = function (mesh) {
            mesh._normalsComputed = true;
            if (mesh.indexedRendering) {
                var vtxs = mesh.vertices;
                var idxs = mesh.indices;
                var uvs = mesh.uvs;
                var hasUvs = mesh.uvs && mesh.uvs.length > 0;
                var newLen = idxs.length * 3;
                var newVtxs = new Float32Array(newLen);
                var newNormals = new Float32Array(newLen);
                var newUvs = null;
                if (hasUvs) {
                    newUvs = new Float32Array(idxs.length * 2);
                for (var i = 0, len = idxs.length; i < len; i += 3) {
                    var triangle = [];
                    for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        var vtxOfs = idxs[i + j] * 3;
                        var vtx = new Vec3(vtxs[vtxOfs], vtxs[vtxOfs + 1], vtxs[vtxOfs + 2]);
                        var newIdx = (i + j) * 3;
                        newVtxs[newIdx] = vtxs[vtxOfs];
                        newVtxs[newIdx + 1] = vtxs[vtxOfs + 1];
                        newVtxs[newIdx + 2] = vtxs[vtxOfs + 2];
                        if (hasUvs) {
                            var uvOfs = idxs[i + j] * 2;
                            var newUvIdx = (i + j) * 2;
                            newUvs[newUvIdx] = uvs[uvOfs];
                            newUvs[newUvIdx + 1] = uvs[uvOfs + 1];

                    var normal = WWMath.computeTriangleNormal(triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2]);
                    for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        var newIdx = (i + j) * 3;
                        newNormals[newIdx] = normal[0];
                        newNormals[newIdx + 1] = normal[1];
                        newNormals[newIdx + 2] = normal[2];
                mesh.indexedRendering = false;
                mesh.vertices = newVtxs;
                mesh.normals = newNormals;
                mesh.indices = null;
                if (hasUvs) {
                    mesh.uvs = newUvs;
            return mesh;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.setupBuffers = function (dc) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext;
            var sizeOfFloat32 = Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT || 4;
            var sizeOfUint16 = Uint16Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT || 2;
            var sizeOfUint32 = Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT || 4;
            var is32BitIndices = false;
            var numIndices = 0;
            var numVertices = 0;

            for (var i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (this._computedNormals && !this._entities[i].mesh._normalsComputed) {
                    this._entities[i].mesh = this.rewriteBufferNormals(this._entities[i].mesh);
                var mesh = this._entities[i].mesh;
                if (mesh.indexedRendering) {
                    numIndices += mesh.indices.length;
                    if (mesh.indices instanceof Uint32Array) {
                        is32BitIndices = true;
                numVertices += mesh.vertices.length;
                if (this._entities[i].imageKey) {
                    numVertices += mesh.uvs.length;
                if (mesh.normals && mesh.normals.length) {
                    numVertices += mesh.normals.length;

            var vbo = gl.createBuffer();
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo);
            gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, numVertices * sizeOfFloat32, gl.STATIC_DRAW);

            var offset = 0;
            for (i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                var data = this._entities[i].mesh.vertices;
                this._entities[i].vertexOffset = offset;
                gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * sizeOfFloat32, data);
                offset += data.length;

            for (i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (this._entities[i].imageKey) {
                    data = this._entities[i].mesh.uvs;
                    this._entities[i].uvOffset = offset;
                    gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * sizeOfFloat32, data);
                    offset += data.length;

            for (i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                data = data = this._entities[i].mesh.normals;
                if (data && data.length) {
                    this._entities[i].normalOffset = offset;
                    gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * sizeOfFloat32, data);
                    offset += data.length;

            var indexSize = sizeOfUint16;
            var indexBufferSize = numIndices * indexSize;
            var uIntExt;
            if (is32BitIndices) {
                uIntExt = dc.getExtension('OES_element_index_uint');

                if (!uIntExt) {
                        'The 3D model is too big and might not render properly. \n' +
                        'Your browser does not support the "OES_element_index_uint" extension, ' +
                        'required to render large models.'
                } else {
                    indexSize = sizeOfUint32;
                    indexBufferSize = numIndices * indexSize;

            if (numIndices) {
                var ibo = gl.createBuffer();
                gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ibo);
                gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBufferSize, gl.STATIC_DRAW);

                offset = 0;
                for (i = 0, len = this._entities.length; i < len; i++) {
                    mesh = this._entities[i].mesh;
                    if (mesh.indexedRendering) {
                        data = mesh.indices;
                        if (data instanceof Uint32Array && !uIntExt) {
                            data = new Uint16Array(data);
                        this._entities[i].indexOffset = offset;
                        this._entities[i].indexSize = indexSize;
                        gl.bufferSubData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset * indexSize, data);
                        offset += data.length;

            this._vboCacheKey = dc.gpuResourceCache.generateCacheKey();
            dc.gpuResourceCache.putResource(this._vboCacheKey, vbo, numVertices * sizeOfFloat32);

            if (numIndices) {
                this._iboCacheKey = dc.gpuResourceCache.generateCacheKey();
                dc.gpuResourceCache.putResource(this._iboCacheKey, ibo, indexBufferSize);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.draw = function (dc, entity) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext;
            var program = dc.currentProgram;
            var gpuResourceCache = dc.gpuResourceCache;

            var buffers = entity.mesh;
            var material = entity.material;

            var nodeWorldMatrix = entity.node.worldMatrix;
            var nodeNormalMatrix = entity.node.normalMatrix;

            var hasLighting;
            if (this._doubleSided) {
                hasLighting = false;
            } else {
                hasLighting = buffers.normals && buffers.normals.length;

            var imageKey = entity.imageKey;

            this.applyColor(dc, material);

            if (imageKey) {
                var imagePath = this._useTexturePaths ? this._images[imageKey].path : this._images[imageKey].filename;
                var textureCacheKey = this._dirPath + imagePath;
                this._activeTexture = gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(textureCacheKey);
                if (!this._activeTexture) {
                    var wrapMode = buffers.isClamp ? gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE : gl.REPEAT;
                    this._activeTexture = gpuResourceCache.retrieveTexture(gl, textureCacheKey, wrapMode);
                var textureBound = this._activeTexture && this._activeTexture.bind(dc);
                if (textureBound) {
                    program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, true);
                    gl.vertexAttribPointer(2, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 8, entity.uvOffset * 4);
                    program.loadModulateColor(gl, dc.pickingMode);
                } else {
                    program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, false);
            } else {
                program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, false);

            if (hasLighting && !dc.pickingMode) {
                program.loadApplyLighting(gl, 1);
                gl.vertexAttribPointer(1, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 12, entity.normalOffset * 4);
            } else {
                program.loadApplyLighting(gl, 0);

            this.applyMatrix(dc, hasLighting, textureCacheKey, nodeWorldMatrix, nodeNormalMatrix);

            gl.vertexAttribPointer(0, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 12, entity.vertexOffset * 4);

            if (buffers.indexedRendering) {
                var indexOffsetBytes = entity.indexOffset * entity.indexSize;
                if (buffers.indices instanceof Uint32Array && dc.getExtension('OES_element_index_uint')) {
                    gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, buffers.indices.length, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, indexOffsetBytes);
                } else {
                    gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, buffers.indices.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, indexOffsetBytes);
            } else {
                gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, Math.floor(buffers.vertices.length / 3));

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.applyColor = function (dc, material) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext,
                program = dc.currentProgram;

            if (material) {
                if (material.techniqueType === 'constant') {
                    var diffuse = material.reflective;
                } else {
                    diffuse = material.diffuse;

            var opacity;
            var r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1;

            if (diffuse) {
                r = diffuse[0];
                g = diffuse[1];
                b = diffuse[2];
                a = diffuse[3] != null ? diffuse[3] : 1;

            this._tmpColor.set(r, g, b, a);
            opacity = a * this.layer.opacity;
            gl.depthMask(opacity >= 1 || dc.pickingMode);
            program.loadColor(gl, dc.pickingMode ? this.pickColor : this._tmpColor);
            program.loadOpacity(gl, dc.pickingMode ? (opacity > 0 ? 1 : 0) : opacity);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.applyMatrix = function (dc, hasLighting, hasTexture, nodeWorldMatrix, nodeNormalMatrix) {

            if (nodeWorldMatrix && this._localTransforms) {

            if (hasLighting && !dc.pickingMode) {
                if (nodeNormalMatrix && this._localTransforms) {

                dc.currentProgram.loadModelviewInverse(dc.currentGlContext, this._normalMatrix);

            if (hasTexture && this._activeTexture) {
                dc.currentProgram.loadTextureMatrix(dc.currentGlContext, this._texCoordMatrix);
                this._activeTexture = null;

            dc.currentProgram.loadModelviewProjection(dc.currentGlContext, this._mvpMatrix);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.endDrawing = function (dc) {
            var gl = dc.currentGlContext;
            var program = dc.currentProgram;

            if (this._doubleSided) {

            program.loadApplyLighting(gl, 0);
            program.loadTextureEnabled(gl, false);
            this._currentData.expired = false;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.computeTransformationMatrix = function (globe) {
            if (!this._currentData.expired) {


            this._transformationMatrix.multiplyByLocalCoordinateTransform(this._placePoint, globe);

            this._transformationMatrix.multiplyByRotation(1, 0, 0, this._xRotation);
            this._transformationMatrix.multiplyByRotation(0, 1, 0, this._yRotation);
            this._transformationMatrix.multiplyByRotation(0, 0, 1, this._zRotation);

            this._transformationMatrix.multiplyByScale(this._scale, this._scale, this._scale);

            this._transformationMatrix.multiplyByTranslation(this._xTranslation, this._yTranslation, this._zTranslation);


        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.computeNormalMatrix = function () {
            if (!this._currentData.expired) {
            this._normalTransformMatrix.multiplyByRotation(-1, 0, 0, this._tmpVector[0]);
            this._normalTransformMatrix.multiplyByRotation(0, -1, 0, this._tmpVector[1]);
            this._normalTransformMatrix.multiplyByRotation(0, 0, -1, this._tmpVector[2]);

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        ColladaScene.prototype.mustRenderNode = function (nodeId) {
            var draw = true;
            if (this._hideNodes) {
                var pos = this._nodesToHide.indexOf(nodeId);
                draw = (pos === -1);
            return draw;

        return ColladaScene;
