Source: geom/Vec2.js

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    function (Logger,
              Vec3) {
        "use strict";

         * Constructs a two-component vector.
         * @alias Vec2
         * @classdesc Represents a two-component vector. Access the X component of the vector as v[0] and the Y
         * component as v[1].
         * @augments Float64Array
         * @param {Number} x X component of vector.
         * @param {Number} y Y component of vector.
         * @constructor
        var Vec2 = function Vec2(x, y) {
            this[0] = x;
            this[1] = y;

        // Vec2 inherits from Float64Array.
        Vec2.prototype = new Float64Array(2);

         * Assigns the components of this vector.
         * @param {Number} x The X component of the vector.
         * @param {Number} y The Y component of the vector.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector with the specified components assigned.
        Vec2.prototype.set = function (x, y) {
            this[0] = x;
            this[1] = y;

            return this;

         * Copies the components of a specified vector to this vector.
         * @param {Vec2} vector The vector to copy.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector set to the values of the specified vector.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified vector is null or undefined.
        Vec2.prototype.copy = function (vector) {
            if (!vector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "copy", "missingVector"));

            this[0] = vector[0];
            this[1] = vector[1];

            return this;

         * Indicates whether the X and Y components of this vector are identical to those of a specified vector.
         * @param {Vec2} vector The vector to test.
         * @returns {Boolean} true if this vector's components are equal to those of the specified vector,
         * otherwise false.
        Vec2.prototype.equals = function (vector) {
            return this[0] === vector[0] && this[1] === vector[1];

         * Computes the average of a specified array of vectors.
         * @param {Vec2[]} vectors The vectors whose average to compute.
         * @param {Vec2} result A pre-allocated Vec2 in which to return the computed average.
         * @returns {Vec2} The result argument set to the average of the specified lists of vectors.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified array of vectors is null, undefined or empty, or the specified
         * result argument is null or undefined.
        Vec2.average = function (vectors, result) {
            if (!vectors || vectors.length < 1) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "average", "missingArray"));

            if (!result) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "average", "missingResult"));

            var count = vectors.length,

            result[0] = 0;
            result[1] = 0;

            for (var i = 0, len = vectors.length; i < len; i++) {
                vec = vectors[i];

                result[0] += vec[0] / count;
                result[1] += vec[1] / count;

            return result;

         * Adds a vector to this vector.
         * @param {Vec2} addend The vector to add to this one.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector after adding the specified vector to it.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified addend is null or undefined.
        Vec2.prototype.add = function (addend) {
            if (!addend) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "add", "missingVector"));

            this[0] += addend[0];
            this[1] += addend[1];

            return this;

         * Subtracts a vector from this vector.
         * @param {Vec2} subtrahend The vector to subtract from this one.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector after subtracting the specified vector from it.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the subtrahend is null or undefined.
        Vec2.prototype.subtract = function (subtrahend) {
            if (!subtrahend) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "subtract", "missingVector"));

            this[0] -= subtrahend[0];
            this[1] -= subtrahend[1];

            return this;

         * Multiplies this vector by a scalar.
         * @param {Number} scalar The scalar to multiply this vector by.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector multiplied by the specified scalar.
        Vec2.prototype.multiply = function (scalar) {
            this[0] *= scalar;
            this[1] *= scalar;

            return this;

         * Divide this vector by a scalar.
         * @param {Number} divisor The scalar to divide this vector by.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector divided by the specified scalar.
        Vec2.prototype.divide = function (divisor) {
            this[0] /= divisor;
            this[1] /= divisor;

            return this;

         * Mixes (interpolates) a specified vector with this vector, modifying this vector.
         * @param {Vec2} vector The vector to mix.
         * @param {Number} weight The relative weight of this vector.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector modified to the mix of itself and the specified vector.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified vector is null or undefined.
        Vec2.prototype.mix = function (vector, weight) {
            if (!vector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "mix", "missingVector"));

            var w0 = 1 - weight,
                w1 = weight;

            this[0] = this[0] * w0 + vector[0] * w1;
            this[1] = this[1] * w0 + vector[1] * w1;

            return this;

         * Negates this vector.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector, negated.
        Vec2.prototype.negate = function () {
            this[0] = -this[0];
            this[1] = -this[1];

            return this;

         * Computes the scalar dot product of this vector and a specified vector.
         * @param {Vec2} vector The vector to multiply.
         * @returns {Number} The scalar dot product of the vectors.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified vector is null or undefined.
         */ = function (vector) {
            if (!vector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "dot", "missingVector"));

            return this[0] * vector[0] + this[1] * vector[1];

         * Computes the squared magnitude of this vector.
         * @returns {Number} The squared magnitude of this vector.
        Vec2.prototype.magnitudeSquared = function () {

         * Computes the magnitude of this vector.
         * @returns {Number} The magnitude of this vector.
        Vec2.prototype.magnitude = function () {
            return Math.sqrt(this.magnitudeSquared());

         * Normalizes this vector to a unit vector.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector, normalized.
        Vec2.prototype.normalize = function () {
            var magnitude = this.magnitude(),
                magnitudeInverse = 1 / magnitude;

            this[0] *= magnitudeInverse;
            this[1] *= magnitudeInverse;

            return this;

         * Computes the squared distance from this vector to a specified vector.
         * @param {Vec2} vector The vector to compute the distance to.
         * @returns {Number} The squared distance between the vectors.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified vector is null or undefined.
        Vec2.prototype.distanceToSquared = function (vector) {
            if (!vector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "distanceToSquared", "missingVector"));

            var dx = this[0] - vector[0],
                dy = this[1] - vector[1];

            return dx * dx + dy * dy;

         * Computes the distance from this vector to a specified vector.
         * @param {Vec2} vector The vector to compute the distance to.
         * @returns {Number} The distance between the vectors.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified vector is null or undefined.
        Vec2.prototype.distanceTo = function (vector) {
            if (!vector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "Vec2", "distanceTo", "missingVector"));

            return Math.sqrt(this.distanceToSquared(vector));

         * Creates a {@link Vec3} using this vector's X and Y components and a Z component of 0.
         * @returns {Vec3} A new vector whose X and Y components are those of this vector and whose Z component is 0.
        Vec2.prototype.toVec3 = function () {
            return new Vec3(this[0], this[1], 0);

         * Swaps the components of this vector with those of another vector. This vector is set to the values of the
         * specified vector, and the specified vector's components are set to the values of this vector.
         * @param {Vec2} that The vector to swap.
         * @returns {Vec2} This vector set to the values of the specified vector.
        Vec2.prototype.swap = function (that) {
            var tmp = this[0];
            this[0] = that[0];
            that[0] = tmp;

            tmp = this[1];
            this[1] = that[1];
            that[1] = tmp;

            return this;

         * Returns a string representation of this vector.
         * @returns {String} A string representation of this vector, in the form "(x, y)".
        Vec2.prototype.toString = function () {
            return "(" + this[0] + ", " + this[1] + ")";

        return Vec2;