Source: layer/TiledImageLayer.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
 * by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
 * at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
 * software:
 *    ES6-Promise – under MIT License
 *    libtess.js – SGI Free Software License B
 *    Proj4 – under MIT License
 *    JSZip – under MIT License
 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
 * WebWorldWind can be found in the WebWorldWind 3rd-party notices and licenses
 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports TiledImageLayer
    function (AbsentResourceList,
              WWUtil) {
        "use strict";

         * Constructs a tiled image layer.
         * @alias TiledImageLayer
         * @constructor
         * @classdesc
         * Provides a layer that displays multi-resolution imagery arranged as adjacent tiles in a pyramid.
         * This is the primary WorldWind base class for displaying imagery of this type. While it may be used as a
         * stand-alone class, it is typically subclassed by classes that identify the remote image server.
         * <p>
         * While the image tiles for this class are typically drawn from a remote server such as a WMS server. The actual
         * retrieval protocol is independent of this class and encapsulated by a class implementing the {@link UrlBuilder}
         * interface and associated with instances of this class as a property.
         * <p>
         * There is no requirement that image tiles of this class be remote, they may be local or procedurally generated. For
         * such cases the subclass overrides this class' [retrieveTileImage]{@link TiledImageLayer#retrieveTileImage} method.
         * <p>
         * Layers of this type are by default not pickable. Their pick-enabled flag is initialized to false.
         * @augments Layer
         * @param {Sector} sector The sector this layer covers.
         * @param {Location} levelZeroDelta The size in latitude and longitude of level zero (lowest resolution) tiles.
         * @param {Number} numLevels The number of levels to define for the layer. Each level is successively one power
         * of two higher resolution than the next lower-numbered level. (0 is the lowest resolution level, 1 is twice
         * that resolution, etc.)
         * Each level contains four times as many tiles as the next lower-numbered level, each 1/4 the geographic size.
         * @param {String} imageFormat The mime type of the image format for the layer's tiles, e.g., <em>image/png</em>.
         * @param {String} cachePath A string uniquely identifying this layer relative to other layers.
         * @param {Number} tileWidth The horizontal size of image tiles in pixels.
         * @param {Number} tileHeight The vertical size of image tiles in pixels.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If any of the specified sector, level-zero delta, cache path or image format arguments are
         * null or undefined, or if the specified number of levels, tile width or tile height is less than 1.
        var TiledImageLayer = function (sector, levelZeroDelta, numLevels, imageFormat, cachePath, tileWidth, tileHeight) {
            if (!sector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "constructor", "missingSector"));

            if (!levelZeroDelta) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "constructor",
                        "The specified level-zero delta is null or undefined."));

            if (!imageFormat) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "constructor",
                        "The specified image format is null or undefined."));

            if (!cachePath) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "constructor",
                        "The specified cache path is null or undefined."));

            if (!numLevels || numLevels < 1) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "constructor",
                        "The specified number of levels is less than one."));

            if (!tileWidth || !tileHeight || tileWidth < 1 || tileHeight < 1) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "constructor",
                        "The specified tile width or height is less than one."));

  , "Tiled Image Layer");

            this.retrievalImageFormat = imageFormat;
            this.cachePath = cachePath;

             * Controls how many concurrent tile requests are allowed for this layer.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default WorldWind.configuration.layerRetrievalQueueSize
            this.retrievalQueueSize = WorldWind.configuration.layerRetrievalQueueSize;
            this.levels = new LevelSet(sector, levelZeroDelta, numLevels, tileWidth, tileHeight);

             * Controls the level of detail switching for this layer. The next highest resolution level is
             * used when an image's texel size is greater than this number of pixels, up to the maximum resolution
             * of this layer.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 1.75
            this.detailControl = 1.75;

             * Indicates whether credentials are sent when requesting images from a different origin.
             * Allowed values are anonymous and use-credentials.
             * @see
             * @type {string}
             * @default anonymous
            this.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';

            /* Intentionally not documented.
             * Indicates the time at which this layer's imagery expire. Expired images are re-retrieved
             * when the current time exceeds the specified expiry time. If null, images do not expire.
             * @type {Date}
            this.expiration = null;

            this.currentTiles = [];
            this.currentTilesInvalid = true;
            this.tileCache = new MemoryCache(500000, 400000);
            this.currentRetrievals = [];
            this.absentResourceList = new AbsentResourceList(3, 50e3);

            this.pickEnabled = false;

            // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
            this.lasTtMVP = Matrix.fromIdentity();

        TiledImageLayer.prototype = Object.create(Layer.prototype);

        // Inherited from Layer.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.refresh = function () {
            this.expiration = new Date();
            this.currentTilesInvalid = true;

         * Initiates retrieval of this layer's level 0 images. Use
         * [isPrePopulated]{@link TiledImageLayer#isPrePopulated} to determine when the images have been retrieved
         * and associated with the level 0 tiles.
         * Pre-populating is not required. It is used to eliminate the visual effect of loading tiles incrementally,
         * but only for level 0 tiles. An application might pre-populate a layer in order to delay displaying it
         * within a time series until all the level 0 images have been retrieved and added to memory.
         * @param {WorldWindow} wwd The WorldWindow for which to pre-populate this layer.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified WorldWindow is null or undefined.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.prePopulate = function (wwd) {
            if (!wwd) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "prePopulate", "missingWorldWindow"));

            var dc = wwd.drawContext;

            if (!this.topLevelTiles || (this.topLevelTiles.length === 0)) {

            for (var i = 0; i < this.topLevelTiles.length; i++) {
                var tile = this.topLevelTiles[i];

                if (!this.isTileTextureInMemory(dc, tile)) {
                    this.retrieveTileImage(dc, tile, true); // suppress redraw upon successful retrieval

         * Initiates retrieval of this layer's tiles that are visible in the specified WorldWindow. Pre-populating is
         * not required. It is used to eliminate the visual effect of loading tiles incrementally.
         * @param {WorldWindow} wwd The WorldWindow for which to pre-populate this layer.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified WorldWindow is null or undefined.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.prePopulateCurrentTiles = function (wwd) {
            if (!wwd) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "prePopulate", "missingWorldWindow"));

            var dc = wwd.drawContext;

            for (var i = 0, len = this.currentTiles.length; i < len; i++) {
                var tile = this.currentTiles[i];

                if (!this.isTileTextureInMemory(dc, tile)) {
                    this.retrieveTileImage(dc, tile, true); // suppress redraw upon successful retrieval

         * Indicates whether this layer's level 0 tile images have been retrieved and associated with the tiles.
         * Use [prePopulate]{@link TiledImageLayer#prePopulate} to initiate retrieval of level 0 images.
         * @param {WorldWindow} wwd The WorldWindow associated with this layer.
         * @returns {Boolean} true if all level 0 images have been retrieved, otherwise false.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified WorldWindow is null or undefined.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.isPrePopulated = function (wwd) {
            if (!wwd) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledImageLayer", "isPrePopulated", "missingWorldWindow"));

            for (var i = 0; i < this.topLevelTiles.length; i++) {
                if (!this.isTileTextureInMemory(wwd.drawContext, this.topLevelTiles[i])) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.createTile = function (sector, level, row, column) {
            var path = this.cachePath + "-layer/" + level.levelNumber + "/" + row + "/" + row + "_" + column + "."
                + WWUtil.suffixForMimeType(this.retrievalImageFormat);

            return new ImageTile(sector, level, row, column, path);

        // Documented in superclass.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.doRender = function (dc) {
            if (!dc.terrain)

            if (this.currentTilesInvalid
                || !dc.modelviewProjection.equals(this.lasTtMVP)
                || dc.globeStateKey !== this.lastGlobeStateKey) {
                this.currentTilesInvalid = false;

                // Tile fading works visually only when the surface tiles are opaque, otherwise the surface flashes
                // when two tiles are drawn over the same area, even though one of them is semi-transparent.
                // So do not provide fading when the surface opacity is less than 1;
                if (dc.surfaceOpacity >= 1 && this.opacity >= 1) {
                    // Fading of outgoing tiles requires determination of the those tiles. Prepare an object with all of
                    // the preceding frame's tiles so that we can subsequently compare the list of newly selected tiles
                    // with the previously selected tiles.
                    this.previousTiles = {};
                    for (var j = 0; j < this.currentTiles.length; j++) {
                        this.previousTiles[this.currentTiles[j].imagePath] = this.currentTiles[j];

                } else {


            this.lastGlobeStateKey = dc.globeStateKey;

            if (this.currentTiles.length > 0) {
                dc.surfaceTileRenderer.renderTiles(dc, this.currentTiles, this.opacity, dc.surfaceOpacity >= 1);
                this.inCurrentFrame = true;

        TiledImageLayer.prototype.fadeOutgoingTiles = function (dc) {
            // Determine which files are outgoing and fade their disappearance. Must be called after this frame's
            // current tiles for this layer have been determined.

            var visibilityDelta = (dc.timestamp - dc.previousRedrawTimestamp) / dc.fadeTime;

            // Create a hash table of the current tiles so that we can check for tile inclusion below.
            var current = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < this.currentTiles.length; i++) {
                var tile = this.currentTiles[i];
                current[tile.imagePath] = tile;

            // Determine whether the tile was in the previous frame but is not in this one.  If that's the case,
            // then the tile is outgoing and its opacity needs to be reduced.
            for (var tileImagePath in this.previousTiles) {
                if (this.previousTiles.hasOwnProperty(tileImagePath)) {
                    tile = this.previousTiles[tileImagePath];

                    if (tile.opacity > 0 && !current[tile.imagePath]) {
                        // Compute the reduced.
                        tile.opacity = Math.max(0, tile.opacity - visibilityDelta);

                        // If not fully faded, add the tile to the list of current tiles and request a redraw so that
                        // we'll be called continuously until all tiles have faded completely. Note that order in the
                        // current tiles list is important: the non-opaque tiles must be drawn after the opaque tiles.
                        if (tile.opacity > 0) {
                            this.currentTilesInvalid = true;
                            dc.redrawRequested = true;

        // Documented in superclass.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.isLayerInView = function (dc) {
            return dc.terrain && dc.terrain.sector && dc.terrain.sector.intersects(this.levels.sector);

        // Documented in superclass.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.createTopLevelTiles = function (dc) {
            this.topLevelTiles = [];
            Tile.createTilesForLevel(this.levels.firstLevel(), this, this.topLevelTiles);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.assembleTiles = function (dc) {
            this.currentTiles = [];

            if (!this.topLevelTiles || (this.topLevelTiles.length === 0)) {

            for (var i = 0, len = this.topLevelTiles.length; i < len; i++) {
                var tile = this.topLevelTiles[i];


                this.currentAncestorTile = null;

                if (this.isTileVisible(dc, tile)) {
                    this.addTileOrDescendants(dc, tile);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.addTileOrDescendants = function (dc, tile) {
            if (this.tileMeetsRenderingCriteria(dc, tile)) {
                this.addTile(dc, tile);

            var ancestorTile = null;

            try {
                if (this.isTileTextureInMemory(dc, tile) || tile.level.levelNumber === 0) {
                    ancestorTile = this.currentAncestorTile;
                    this.currentAncestorTile = tile;

                var nextLevel = this.levels.level(tile.level.levelNumber + 1),
                    subTiles = tile.subdivideToCache(nextLevel, this, this.tileCache);

                for (var i = 0, len = subTiles.length; i < len; i++) {
                    var child = subTiles[i];


                    if (this.levels.sector.intersects(child.sector) && this.isTileVisible(dc, child)) {
                        this.addTileOrDescendants(dc, child);
            } finally {
                if (ancestorTile) {
                    this.currentAncestorTile = ancestorTile;

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.addTile = function (dc, tile) {
            tile.fallbackTile = null;

            var texture = dc.gpuResourceCache.resourceForKey(tile.imagePath);
            if (texture) {
                tile.opacity = 1;

                // If the tile's texture has expired, cause it to be re-retrieved. Note that the current,
                // expired texture is still used until the updated one arrives.
                if (this.expiration && this.isTextureExpired(texture)) {
                    this.retrieveTileImage(dc, tile);


            this.retrieveTileImage(dc, tile);

            if (this.currentAncestorTile) {
                if (this.isTileTextureInMemory(dc, this.currentAncestorTile)) {
                    // Set up to map the ancestor tile into the current one.
                    tile.fallbackTile = this.currentAncestorTile;
                    tile.fallbackTile.opacity = 1;

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.isTileVisible = function (dc, tile) {
            if (dc.globe.projectionLimits && !tile.sector.overlaps(dc.globe.projectionLimits)) {
                return false;

            return tile.extent.intersectsFrustum(dc.frustumInModelCoordinates);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.tileMeetsRenderingCriteria = function (dc, tile) {
            var s = this.detailControl;
            if (tile.sector.minLatitude >= 75 || tile.sector.maxLatitude <= -75) {
                s *= 1.2;
            return tile.level.isLastLevel() || !tile.mustSubdivide(dc, s);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.isTileTextureInMemory = function (dc, tile) {
            return dc.gpuResourceCache.containsResource(tile.imagePath);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.isTextureExpired = function (texture) {
            return this.expiration && (texture.creationTime.getTime() <= this.expiration.getTime());

         * Retrieves the image for the specified tile. Subclasses should override this method in order to retrieve,
         * compute or otherwise create the image.
         * @param {DrawContext} dc The current draw context.
         * @param {ImageTile} tile The tile for which to retrieve the resource.
         * @param {Boolean} suppressRedraw true to suppress generation of redraw events when an image is successfully
         * retrieved, otherwise false.
         * @protected
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.retrieveTileImage = function (dc, tile, suppressRedraw) {
            if (this.currentRetrievals.indexOf(tile.imagePath) < 0) {
                if (this.currentRetrievals.length > this.retrievalQueueSize) {
                if (this.absentResourceList.isResourceAbsent(tile.imagePath)) {

                var url = this.resourceUrlForTile(tile, this.retrievalImageFormat),
                    image = new Image(),
                    imagePath = tile.imagePath,
                    cache = dc.gpuResourceCache,
                    canvas = dc.currentGlContext.canvas,
                    layer = this;

                if (!url) {
                    this.currentTilesInvalid = true;

                image.onload = function () {
                    Logger.log(Logger.LEVEL_INFO, "Image retrieval succeeded: " + url);
                    var texture = layer.createTexture(dc, tile, image);

                    if (texture) {
                        cache.putResource(imagePath, texture, texture.size);

                        layer.currentTilesInvalid = true;

                        if (!suppressRedraw) {
                            // Send an event to request a redraw.
                            var e = document.createEvent('Event');
                            e.initEvent(WorldWind.REDRAW_EVENT_TYPE, true, true);

                image.onerror = function () {
                    Logger.log(Logger.LEVEL_WARNING, "Image retrieval failed: " + url);

                image.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin;
                image.src = url;

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.createTexture = function (dc, tile, image) {
            return new Texture(dc.currentGlContext, image);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.removeFromCurrentRetrievals = function (imagePath) {
            var index = this.currentRetrievals.indexOf(imagePath);
            if (index > -1) {
                this.currentRetrievals.splice(index, 1);

         * Returns the URL string for the resource.
         * @param {ImageTile} tile The tile whose image is returned
         * @param {String} imageFormat The mime type of the image format desired.
         * @returns {String} The URL string, or null if the string can not be formed.
         * @protected
        TiledImageLayer.prototype.resourceUrlForTile = function (tile, imageFormat) {
            if (this.urlBuilder) {
                return this.urlBuilder.urlForTile(tile, imageFormat);
            } else {
                return null;

        return TiledImageLayer;