Source: ogc/WfsCapabilities.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
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 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
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 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
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 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
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 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports WfsCapabilities
    function (ArgumentError,
              OwsServiceProvider) {
        "use strict";

         * Constructs an WFS Capabilities instance from an XML DOM.
         * @alias WFSCapabilities
         * @constructor
         * @classdesc Represents a WFS Capabilities document. This object holds as properties all the fields
         * specified in the given WFS Capabilities document. Most fields can be accessed as properties named
         * according to their document names converted to camel case. For example, "version", "service.title",
         * "service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary".
         * @param {{}} xmlDom An XML DOM representing the WFS Capabilities document.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified XML DOM is null or undefined.
        var WfsCapabilities = function (xmlDom) {
            if (!xmlDom) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "WfsCapabilities", "constructor", "No XML DOM specified."));


        WfsCapabilities.prototype.assembleDocument = function (dom) {
            var root = dom.documentElement;

            this.version = root.getAttribute("version");
            this.updateSequence = root.getAttribute("updateSequence");

            var children = root.children || root.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "ServiceIdentification") {
                    this.serviceIdentification = new OwsServiceIdentification(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "ServiceProvider") {
                    this.serviceProvider = new OwsServiceProvider(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "OperationsMetadata") {
                    this.operationsMetadata = new OwsOperationsMetadata(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "FeatureTypeList") {
                    this.featureTypeList = this.assembleFeatureTypeList(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "Filter_Capabilities") {
                    this.filterCapabilities = this.assembleFilterCapabilities(child);

        WfsCapabilities.prototype.assembleFeatureTypeList = function (element) {
            var featureTypeList = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName == "Operations") {
                    featureTypeList.operations = featureTypeList.operations || [];
                    try {
                        featureTypeList.operations = WfsCapabilities.assembleOperations(child);
                    } catch (e) {
                        Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "WfsCapabilities", "constructor",
                            "Exception reading WFS operations description: " + e.message);
                } else if (child.localName == "FeatureType") {
                    featureTypeList.featureType = featureTypeList.featureType || [];
                    try {
                    } catch (e) {
                        Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "WfsCapabilities", "constructor",
                            "Exception reading WFS operations description: " + e.message);

            return featureTypeList;

        WfsCapabilities.prototype.assembleFilterCapabilities = function (element) {
            var filterCapabilities = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Conformance") {
                    filterCapabilities.conformance = WfsCapabilities.assembleConformance(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "Id_Capabilities") {
                    filterCapabilities.idCapabilities = WfsCapabilities.assembleIdCapabilities(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "Scalar_Capabilities") {
                    filterCapabilities.scalarCapabilities = WfsCapabilities.assembleScalarCapabilities(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "Spatial_Capabilities") {
                    filterCapabilities.spatialCapabilities = WfsCapabilities.assembleSpatialCapabilities(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "Functions") {
                    filterCapabilities.functions = WfsCapabilities.assembleFunctions(child);

            return filterCapabilities;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleOperations = function (element) {
            var operations = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName == "Operation") {

            return operations;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleFeatureType = function (element) {
            var featureType = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName == "Name") {
           = child.textContent;
                } else if (child.localName == "Title") {
                    featureType.title = child.textContent;
                } else if (child.localName == "Abstract") {
                    featureType.abstract = child.textContent;
                } else if (child.localName == "Keywords") {
                    featureType.keywords = featureType.keywords || [];
                    featureType.keywords = WfsCapabilities.assembleKeywords(child);
                } else if (child.localName == "DefaultSRS") {
                    featureType.defaultSRS = child.textContent;
                } else if (child.localName == "OtherSRS") {
                    featureType.otherSRS = featureType.otherSRS || [];
                } else if (child.localName == "WGS84BoundingBox") {
                    featureType.wgs84BoundingBox = WfsCapabilities.assembleBoundingBox(child);
                } else if (child.localName == "DefaultCRS") {
                    featureType.defaultCRS = child.textContent;
                } else if (child.localName == "OtherCRS") {
                    featureType.otherCRS = featureType.otherCRS || [];
                } else if (child.localName == "OutputFormats") {
                    featureType.outputFormats = WfsCapabilities.assembleOutputFormats(child);
                } else if (child.localName == "MetadataURL") {
                    featureType.metadataUrl = WfsCapabilities.assembleMetadataUrl(child);

            return featureType;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleBoundingBox = function (element) {
            var result = {};

            var crs = element.getAttribute("crs");
            if (crs) {
       = crs;

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "LowerCorner") {
                    var lc = child.textContent.split(" ");
                    result.lowerCorner = [parseFloat(lc[0]), parseFloat(lc[1])];
                } else if (child.localName === "UpperCorner") {
                    var uc = child.textContent.split(" ");
                    result.upperCorner = [parseFloat(uc[0]), parseFloat(uc[1])];

            return result;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleOutputFormats = function (element) {
            var outputFormats = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Format") {

            return outputFormats;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleMetadataUrl = function (element) {
            var metadataUrl = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];
                // TODO: This code is currently non-functional and will need upgrades when WFS functionality is addressed.
                // In IE 11, element.childNodes can contain more than just Element objects. When this code is upgraded, ensure
                // that the element objects accessed here are actually instances of Element. This is done elsewhere
                // by checking for an appropriate value in the localName attribute which has the side effect of ensuring
                // the correct object type.
                if (child.localName === "MetadataURL") {
                    metadataUrl.format = child.getAttribute("format");
                    metadataUrl.type = child.getAttribute("type");

            return outputFormats;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleKeywords = function (element) {
            var keywords = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Keyword") {

            return keywords;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleConformance = function (element) {
            var conformance = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Constraint") {
                    var constraint;
                    constraint = WfsCapabilities.assembleConstraint(child);
           = child.getAttribute("name");

            return conformance;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleConstraint = function (element) {
            var constraint = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];
                if (child.localName === "DefaultValue") {
                    constraint.defaultValue = child.textContent;

            return constraint;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleIdCapabilities = function (element) {
            var idCapabilities = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "ResourceIdentifier") {
                    idCapabilities.resourceIdentifier = child.getAttribute("name");

            return idCapabilities;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleScalarCapabilities = function (element) {
            var scalarCapabilities = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "ComparisonOperators") {
                    scalarCapabilities.comparisonOperators = WfsCapabilities.assembleComparisonOperators(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "ArithmeticOperators") {
                    scalarCapabilities.arithmeticOperators = WfsCapabilities.assembleArithmeticOperators(child);

            return scalarCapabilities;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleComparisonOperators = function (element) {
            var comparisonOperators = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "ComparisonOperator") {

            return comparisonOperators;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleArithmeticOperators = function (element) {
            var arithmeticOperators = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Functions") {
                    arithmeticOperators.functions = WfsCapabilities.assembleArithmeticFunctions(child);

            return arithmeticOperators;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleArithmeticFunctions = function (element) {
            var functionNames = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "FunctionNames") {
                    functionNames = WfsCapabilities.assembleFunctionNames(child);

            return functionNames;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleFunctionNames = function (element) {
            var functionNames = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "FunctionName") {
                    var functionName = {name: child.textContent, nArgs: child.getAttribute("nArgs")};

            return functionNames;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleSpatialCapabilities = function (element) {
            var spatialCapabilities = {};

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "GeometryOperands") {
                    spatialCapabilities.geometryOperands = WfsCapabilities.assembleGeometryOperands(child);
                } else if (child.localName === "SpatialOperators") {
                    spatialCapabilities.spatialOperators = WfsCapabilities.assembleSpatialOperators(child);

            return spatialCapabilities;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleGeometryOperands = function (element) {
            var geometryOperands = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "GeometryOperand") {

            return geometryOperands;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleSpatialOperators = function (element) {
            var spatialOperators = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "SpatialOperator") {

            return spatialOperators;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleFunctions = function (element) {
            var functions = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Function") {

            return functions;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleFunction = function (element) {
            var _function = {};

   = element.getAttribute("name");
            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Returns") {
                    _function.returns = child.textContent;
                } else if (child.localName === "Arguments") {
                    _function.arguments = WfsCapabilities.assembleArguments(child);

            return _function;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleArguments = function (element) {
            var _arguments = [];

            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Argument") {

            return _arguments;

        WfsCapabilities.assembleArgument = function (element) {
            var argument = {};

   = element.getAttribute("name");
            var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
            for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
                var child = children[c];

                if (child.localName === "Type") {
                    argument.type = child.textContent;

            return argument;

        return WfsCapabilities;