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* NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
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* PDF found in code directory.
* @exports WmsCapabilities
function (ArgumentError,
WmsLayerCapabilities) {
"use strict";
* Constructs an WMS Capabilities instance from an XML DOM.
* @alias WMSCapabilities
* @constructor
* @classdesc Represents a WMS Capabilities document. This object holds as properties all the fields
* specified in the given WMS Capabilities document. Most fields can be accessed as properties named
* according to their document names converted to camel case. For example, "version", "service.title",
* "service.contactInformation.contactPersonPrimary". The exceptions are online resources, whose property
* path has been shortened. For example "capability.request.getMap.formats" and "capability.request.getMap.getUrl".
* @param {{}} xmlDom An XML DOM representing the WMS Capabilities document.
* @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified XML DOM is null or undefined.
var WmsCapabilities = function (xmlDom) {
if (!xmlDom) {
throw new ArgumentError(
Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "WmsCapabilities", "constructor", "No XML DOM specified."));
* Finds all named layers documented in this WMS capabilities document. Will recursively search sub-layers for
* named layers.
* @returns {WmsLayerCapabilities[]}
WmsCapabilities.prototype.getNamedLayers = function () {
return this.accumulateNamedLayers(this.capability.layers);
WmsCapabilities.prototype.accumulateNamedLayers = function (startLayers, namedLayersArray) {
var namedLayers = namedLayersArray || [];
if (!startLayers) {
return namedLayers;
for (var i = 0, len = startLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
var layer = startLayers[i];
if (layer.name) {
if (layer.layers) {
this.accumulateNamedLayers(layer.layers, namedLayers);
return namedLayers;
* Searches for a named layer matching the provided name and returns the WmsLayerCapabilities object representing
* the named layer.
* @param {String} name the layer name to find
* @returns {WmsLayerCapabilities} if a matching named layer is found or null
* @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified name is null or empty.
WmsCapabilities.prototype.getNamedLayer = function (name) {
if (!name || (name.length === 0)) {
throw new ArgumentError(
Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "WmsCapabilities", "getNamedLayer", "No WMS layer name provided."));
var namedLayers = this.getNamedLayers();
for (var i = 0, len = namedLayers.length; i < len; i++) {
if (name === namedLayers[i].name) {
return namedLayers[i];
return null;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleDocument = function (dom) {
var root = dom.documentElement;
this.version = root.getAttribute("version");
this.updateSequence = root.getAttribute("updateSequence");
var children = root.children || root.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "Service") {
this.service = this.assembleService(child);
} else if (child.localName === "Capability") {
this.capability = this.assembleCapability(child);
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleService = function (element) {
var service = {
capsDoc: this
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "Name") {
service.name = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "Title") {
service.title = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "Abstract") {
service.abstract = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "KeywordList") {
service.keywordList = this.assembleKeywordList(child);
} else if (child.localName === "OnlineResource") {
service.url = child.getAttribute("xlink:href");
} else if (child.localName === "Fees") {
service.fees = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "AccessConstraints") {
service.accessConstraints = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName == "LayerLimit") {
service.layerLimit = parseInt(child.textContent);
} else if (child.localName == "MaxWidth") {
service.maxWidth = parseInt(child.textContent);
} else if (child.localName == "MaxHeight") {
service.maxHeight = parseInt(child.textContent);
} else if (child.localName === "ContactInformation") {
service.contactInformation = this.assembleContactInformation(child);
return service;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleKeywordList = function (element) {
var keywords = [];
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "Keyword") {
return keywords;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleContactInformation = function (element) {
var contactInfo = {};
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "ContactPersonPrimary") {
contactInfo.contactPersonPrimary = this.assembleContactPersonPrimary(child);
} else if (child.localName === "ContactPosition") {
contactInfo.contactPosition = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "ContactVoiceTelephone") {
contactInfo.contactVoiceTelephone = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "ContactFacsimileTelephone") {
contactInfo.contactFacsimileTelephone = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "ContactElectronicMailAddress") {
contactInfo.contactElectronicMailAddress = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "ContactAddress") {
contactInfo.contactAddress = this.assembleContactAddress(child);
return contactInfo;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleContactPersonPrimary = function (element) {
var info = {};
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "ContactPerson") {
info.contactPerson = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "ContactOrganization") {
info.contactOrganization = child.textContent;
return info;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleContactAddress = function (element) {
var address = {};
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "AddressType") {
address.addressType = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "Address") {
address.address = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "City") {
address.city = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "StateOrProvince") {
address.stateOrProvince = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "PostCode") {
address.postCode = child.textContent;
} else if (child.localName === "Country") {
address.country = child.textContent;
return address;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleCapability = function (element) {
var capability = {
capsDoc: this
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "Request") {
capability.request = this.assembleRequests(child);
} else if (child.localName === "Exception") {
capability.exception = this.assembleException(child);
} else if (child.localName === "Layer") {
capability.layers = capability.layers || [];
capability.layers.push(new WmsLayerCapabilities(child, capability));
return capability;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleRequests = function (element) {
var requests = {};
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "GetCapabilities") {
requests.getCapabilities = this.assembleRequest(child);
} else if (child.localName === "GetMap") {
requests.getMap = this.assembleRequest(child);
} else if (child.localName === "GetFeatureInfo") {
requests.getFeatureInfo = this.assembleRequest(child);
return requests;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleRequest = function (element) {
var request = {
name: element.localName
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "Format") {
request.formats = request.formats || [];
} else if (child.localName === "DCPType") {
var children2 = child.children || child.childNodes;
for (var c2 = 0; c2 < children2.length; c2++) {
var child2 = children2[c2];
if (child2.localName === "HTTP") {
var children3 = child2.children || child2.childNodes;
for (var c3 = 0; c3 < children3.length; c3++) {
var child3 = children3[c3];
if (child3.localName === "Get") {
var children4 = child3.children || child3.childNodes;
for (var c4 = 0; c4 < children4.length; c4++) {
var child4 = children4[c4];
if (child4.localName === "OnlineResource") {
request.getUrl = child4.getAttribute("xlink:href");
return request;
WmsCapabilities.prototype.assembleException = function (element) {
var exception = {};
var children = element.children || element.childNodes;
for (var c = 0; c < children.length; c++) {
var child = children[c];
if (child.localName === "Format") {
exception.formats = exception.formats || [];
return exception;
return WmsCapabilities;