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* @exports ProjectionMercator
function (Angle,
WWMath) {
"use strict";
* Constructs a Mercator geographic projection.
* @alias ProjectionMercator
* @constructor
* @augments GeographicProjection
* @classdesc Represents a Mercator geographic projection.
var ProjectionMercator = function () {
GeographicProjection.call(this, "Mercator", true, new Sector(-78, 78, -180, 180));
ProjectionMercator.prototype = Object.create(GeographicProjection.prototype);
// Documented in base class.
ProjectionMercator.prototype.geographicToCartesian = function (globe, latitude, longitude, elevation, offset,
result) {
if (!globe) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"geographicToCartesian", "missingGlobe"));
if (!result) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"geographicToCartesian", "missingResult"));
if (latitude > this.projectionLimits.maxLatitude) {
latitude = this.projectionLimits.maxLatitude;
if (latitude < this.projectionLimits.minLatitude) {
latitude = this.projectionLimits.minLatitude;
// See "Map Projections: A Working Manual", page 44 for the source of the below formulas.
var ecc = Math.sqrt(globe.eccentricitySquared),
sinLat = Math.sin(latitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS),
s = ((1 + sinLat) / (1 - sinLat)) * Math.pow((1 - ecc * sinLat) / (1 + ecc * sinLat), ecc);
result[0] = globe.equatorialRadius * longitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS + (offset ? offset[0] : 0);
result[1] = 0.5 * globe.equatorialRadius * Math.log(s);
result[2] = elevation;
return result;
Object.defineProperties(ProjectionMercator.prototype, {
* A string identifying this projection's current state. Used to compare states during rendering to
* determine whether globe-state dependent cached values must be updated. Applications typically do not
* interact with this property.
* @memberof ProjectionMercator.prototype
* @readonly
* @type {String}
stateKey: {
get: function () {
return "projection mercator ";
// Documented in base class.
ProjectionMercator.prototype.geographicToCartesianGrid = function (globe, sector, numLat, numLon, elevations,
referencePoint, offset, result) {
if (!globe) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"geographicToCartesianGrid", "missingGlobe"));
if (!sector) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"geographicToCartesianGrid", "missingSector"));
if (!elevations || elevations.length < numLat * numLon) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"The specified elevations array is null, undefined or insufficient length"));
if (!result) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"geographicToCartesianGrid", "missingResult"));
var eqr = globe.equatorialRadius,
ecc = Math.sqrt(globe.eccentricitySquared),
minLat = sector.minLatitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
maxLat = sector.maxLatitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
minLon = sector.minLongitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
maxLon = sector.maxLongitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
deltaLat = (maxLat - minLat) / (numLat > 1 ? numLat - 1 : 1),
deltaLon = (maxLon - minLon) / (numLon > 1 ? numLon - 1 : 1),
minLatLimit = this.projectionLimits.minLatitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
maxLatLimit = this.projectionLimits.maxLatitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
refCenter = referencePoint ? referencePoint : new Vec3(0, 0, 0),
offsetX = offset ? offset[0] : 0,
latIndex, lonIndex,
elevIndex = 0, resultIndex = 0,
lat, lon, clampedLat, sinLat, s, y;
// Iterate over the latitude and longitude coordinates in the specified sector, computing the Cartesian point
// corresponding to each latitude and longitude.
for (latIndex = 0, lat = minLat; latIndex < numLat; latIndex++, lat += deltaLat) {
if (latIndex === numLat - 1) {
lat = maxLat; // explicitly set the last lat to the max latitude to ensure alignment
// Latitude is constant for each row. Values that are a function of latitude can be computed once per row.
clampedLat = WWMath.clamp(lat, minLatLimit, maxLatLimit);
sinLat = Math.sin(clampedLat);
s = ((1 + sinLat) / (1 - sinLat)) * Math.pow((1 - ecc * sinLat) / (1 + ecc * sinLat), ecc);
y = eqr * Math.log(s) * 0.5 - refCenter[1];
for (lonIndex = 0, lon = minLon; lonIndex < numLon; lonIndex++, lon += deltaLon) {
if (lonIndex === numLon - 1) {
lon = maxLon; // explicitly set the last lon to the max longitude to ensure alignment
result[resultIndex++] = eqr * lon - refCenter[0] + offsetX;
result[resultIndex++] = y;
result[resultIndex++] = elevations[elevIndex++] - refCenter[2];
return result;
// Documented in base class.
ProjectionMercator.prototype.cartesianToGeographic = function (globe, x, y, z, offset, result) {
if (!globe) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"cartesianToGeographic", "missingGlobe"));
if (!result) {
throw new ArgumentError(Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "ProjectionMercator",
"cartesianToGeographic", "missingResult"));
// See "Map Projections: A Working Manual", pages 45 and 19 for the source of the below formulas.
var ecc2 = globe.eccentricitySquared,
ecc4 = ecc2 * ecc2,
ecc6 = ecc4 * ecc2,
ecc8 = ecc6 * ecc2,
t = Math.pow(Math.E, - y / globe.equatorialRadius),
A = Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.atan(t),
B = ecc2 / 2 + 5 * ecc4 / 24 + ecc6 / 12 + 13 * ecc8 / 360,
C = 7 * ecc4 / 48 + 29 * ecc6 / 240 + 811 * ecc8 / 11520,
D = 7 * ecc6 / 120 + 81 * ecc8 / 1120,
E = 4279 * ecc8 / 161280,
Ap = A - C + E,
Bp = B - 3 * D,
Cp = 2 * C - 8 * E,
Dp = 4 * D,
Ep = 8 * E,
s2p = Math.sin(2 * A),
lat = Ap + s2p * (Bp + s2p * (Cp + s2p * (Dp + Ep * s2p)));
result.latitude = lat * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
result.longitude = ((x - (offset ? offset[0] : 0)) / globe.equatorialRadius) * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
result.altitude = z;
return result;
return ProjectionMercator;