Source: util/measure/AreaMeasurer.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
 * by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
 * at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
 * software:
 *    ES6-Promise – under MIT License
 *    libtess.js – SGI Free Software License B
 *    Proj4 – under MIT License
 *    JSZip – under MIT License
 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
 * WebWorldWind can be found in the WebWorldWind 3rd-party notices and licenses
 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports AreaMeasurer

    function (Angle,
              libtessDummy) {
        'use strict';

         * Utility class to compute approximations of projected and surface (terrain following) area on a globe.
         * <p>To properly compute surface area the measurer must be provided with a list of positions that describe a
         * closed path - one which last position is equal to the first.</p>
         * <p>Segments which are longer then the current maxSegmentLength will be subdivided along lines following the
         * current pathType - WorldWind.LINEAR, WorldWind.RHUMB_LINE or WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE.</p>
         * <p>Projected or non terrain following area is computed in a sinusoidal projection which is equivalent or
         * equal area.
         * Surface or terrain following area is approximated by sampling the path bounding sector with square cells
         * along a grid. Cells which center is inside the path  have their area estimated and summed according to the
         * overall slope at the cell south-west corner.</p>
         * @alias AreaMeasurer
         * @constructor
         * @param {WorldWindow} wwd The WorldWindow associated with AreaMeasurer.
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If the specified WorldWindow is null or undefined.
        var AreaMeasurer = function (wwd) {

            if (!wwd) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "AreaMeasurer", "constructor", "missingWorldWindow"));

            this.wwd = wwd;

            // Private. Sampling grid max rows or cols
            this.DEFAULT_AREA_SAMPLING_STEPS = 32;

            // Private. Documentation is with the defined property below.
            this._areaTerrainSamplingSteps = this.DEFAULT_AREA_SAMPLING_STEPS;

            // Private. Documentation is with the defined property below.
            this._maxSegmentLength = 100e3;

            // Private. A list of positions with no segment longer then maxLength and elevations following terrain or not.
            this.subdividedPositions = null;

            // Private.
            this.vecZ = new Vec3(0, 0, 1);

            // Private. Reusable Location.
            this.scratchLocation = new Location(0, 0);


        Object.defineProperties(AreaMeasurer.prototype, {
             * The sampling grid maximum number of rows or columns for terrain following surface area approximation.
             * @type {Number}
             * @memberof AreaMeasurer.prototype
            areaTerrainSamplingSteps: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._areaTerrainSamplingSteps;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._areaTerrainSamplingSteps = value;

             * The maximum length a segment can have before being subdivided along a line following the current pathType.
             * @type {Number}
             * @memberof AreaMeasurer.prototype
            maxSegmentLength: {
                get: function () {
                    return this._maxSegmentLength;
                set: function (value) {
                    this._maxSegmentLength = value;

         * Get the sampling grid maximum number of rows or columns for terrain following surface area approximation.
         * @param {Position[]} positions A list of positions describing a polygon
         * @param {Boolean} followTerrain If true, the computed length will account for terrain deformations as if
         * someone was walking along that path
         * @param {String} pathType One of WorldWind.LINEAR, WorldWind.RHUMB_LINE or WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE
         * @return {Number} area in square meters
        AreaMeasurer.prototype.getArea = function (positions, followTerrain, pathType) {
            var globe = this.wwd.globe;
            if (followTerrain) {
                return this.computeSurfaceAreaSampling(globe, positions, pathType);
            return this.computeProjectedAreaGeometry(globe, positions, pathType);

         * Sample the path bounding sector with square cells which area are approximated according to the surface normal
         * at the cell south-west corner.
         * @param {Globe} globe
         * @param {Position[]} positions
         * @param {String} pathType One of WorldWind.LINEAR, WorldWind.RHUMB_LINE or WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE
         * @return {Number} area in square meters
        AreaMeasurer.prototype.computeSurfaceAreaSampling = function (globe, positions, pathType) {
            var sector = new Sector(0, 0, 0, 0);

            // Subdivide long segments if needed
            this.subdividedPositions = MeasurerUtils.subdividePositions(globe, positions, true, pathType,

            // Sample the bounding sector with cells about the same length in side - squares
            var steps = Math.max(this.DEFAULT_AREA_SAMPLING_STEPS, this._areaTerrainSamplingSteps);
            var deltaLatRadians = sector.deltaLatitude() * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
            var deltaLonRadians = sector.deltaLongitude() * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
            var stepsRadians = Math.max(deltaLatRadians / steps, deltaLonRadians / steps);
            var latSteps = Math.round(deltaLatRadians / stepsRadians);
            var lonSteps = Math.round(deltaLonRadians / stepsRadians *
                Math.cos(sector.centroidLatitude() * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS));
            var latStepRadians = deltaLatRadians / latSteps;
            var lonStepRadians = deltaLonRadians / lonSteps;

            var area = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < latSteps; i++) {
                var lat = sector.minLatitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS + latStepRadians * i;
                // Compute this latitude row cells area
                var radius = globe.radiusAt((lat + latStepRadians / 2) * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, sector.centroidLongitude());
                var cellWidth = lonStepRadians * radius * Math.cos(lat + latStepRadians / 2);
                var cellHeight = latStepRadians * radius;
                var cellArea = cellWidth * cellHeight;

                for (var j = 0; j < lonSteps; j++) {
                    var lon = sector.minLongitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS + lonStepRadians * j;
                    var minLat = lat * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
                    var maxLat = (lat + latStepRadians) * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
                    var minLon = lon * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
                    var maxLon = (lon + lonStepRadians) * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
                    var cellSector = new Sector(minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon);
                    var isLocationInside = MeasurerUtils.isLocationInside(cellSector.centroid(this.scratchLocation),
                    if (isLocationInside) {
                        // Compute suface area using terrain normal in SW corner
                        // Corners elevation
                        var eleSW = globe.elevationAtLocation(minLat, minLon);
                        var eleSE = globe.elevationAtLocation(minLat, maxLon);
                        var eleNW = globe.elevationAtLocation(maxLat, minLon);

                        // Compute normal
                        var vx = new Vec3(cellWidth, 0, eleSE - eleSW);
                        var vy = new Vec3(0, cellHeight, eleNW - eleSW);
                        var normalSW = vx.cross(vy).normalize(); // point toward positive Z

                        // Compute slope factor
                        var tan = Math.tan(MeasurerUtils.angleBetweenVectors(this.vecZ, normalSW));
                        var slopeFactor = Math.sqrt(1 + tan * tan);

                        // Add cell area
                        area += (cellArea * slopeFactor);

            return area;

         * Tessellate the path in lat-lon space, then sum each triangle area.
         * @param {Globe} globe
         * @param {Position[]} positions
         * @param {String} pathType One of WorldWind.LINEAR, WorldWind.RHUMB_LINE or WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE
         * @return {Number} area in square meters
        AreaMeasurer.prototype.computeProjectedAreaGeometry = function (globe, positions, pathType) {

            // Subdivide long segments if needed
            this.subdividedPositions = MeasurerUtils.subdividePositions(globe, positions, false, pathType,

            // First: tessellate polygon
            var verticesCount = this.subdividedPositions.length;
            var firstPos = this.subdividedPositions[0];
            var lastPos = this.subdividedPositions[verticesCount - 1];
            if (firstPos.equals(lastPos)) {

            var verts = [];
            var idx = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++) {
                var pos = this.subdividedPositions[i];
                verts[idx++] = pos.longitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
                verts[idx++] = pos.latitude * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
                verts[idx++] = 0;

            var triangles = this.tessellatePolygon(verticesCount, verts);

            // Second: sum triangles area
            var area = 0;
            var triangleCount = triangles.length / 9;
            for (i = 0; i < triangleCount; i++) {
                idx = i * 9;
                var triangle = [
                    triangles[idx + 0], triangles[idx + 1], triangles[idx + 2],
                    triangles[idx + 3], triangles[idx + 4], triangles[idx + 5],
                    triangles[idx + 6], triangles[idx + 7], triangles[idx + 8]
                area += this.computeTriangleProjectedArea(globe, triangle);

            return area;


         * Compute triangle area in a sinusoidal projection centered at the triangle center.
         * Note sinusoidal projection is equivalent or equal area.
         * @param {Globe} globe
         * @param {Number[]} verts A list of 9 positions in radians describing a triangle
         * @return {Number} area in square meters
        AreaMeasurer.prototype.computeTriangleProjectedArea = function (globe, verts) {
            var ax = verts[0];
            var ay = verts[1];
            var bx = verts[3];
            var by = verts[4];
            var cx = verts[6];
            var cy = verts[7];

            var area = Math.abs(
                ax * (by - cy) +
                bx * (cy - ay) +
                cx * (ay - by)
            area /= 2;

            var centerLon = (ax + bx + cx) / 3;
            var centerLat = (ay + by + cy) / 3;

            // Apply globe radius at triangle center and scale down area according to center latitude cosine
            var radius = globe.radiusAt(centerLat * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, centerLon * Angle.RADIANS_TO_DEGREES);
            area *= Math.cos(centerLat) * radius * radius; // Square meter

            return area;

         * Tessellate a Polygon
         * @param {Number} count the number of vertices
         * @param {Number[]} vertices A list of positions in radians
         * @return {Number[]} a list of tessellated vertices
        AreaMeasurer.prototype.tessellatePolygon = function (count, vertices) {
            var tess = new libtess.GluTesselator();
            var triangles = [];
            var coords;

            tess.gluTessCallback(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_BEGIN, function (prim) {
                if (prim !== libtess.primitiveType.GL_TRIANGLES) {
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_WARNING, "AreaMeasurer", "tessellatePolygon",
                        "Tessellation error, primitive is not TRIANGLES.");

            tess.gluTessCallback(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, function (data, tris) {

            //prevents triangle fans and strips
            tess.gluTessCallback(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG, function () {

            tess.gluTessCallback(libtess.gluEnum.GLU_TESS_ERROR, function (errno) {
                Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_WARNING, "AreaMeasurer", "tessellatePolygon",
                    "Tessellation error " + errno + ".");

            // Tessellate the polygon.
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                coords = vertices.slice(3 * i, 3 * i + 3);
                tess.gluTessVertex(coords, coords);

            return triangles;

        return AreaMeasurer;
